Benefits of iTear100

For those with chronic dry eye issues, red/swollen eyes, or itchy eyes, Olympic Ophthalmics has created iTear100, an FDA-approved handheld medical device that quickly and naturally stimulates tear production without the need for eyedrops, medication, or lubricants.

Using focused oscillatory energy to activate the external nasal nerve, iTear100 delivers immediate results in just 15 seconds. The lightweight and portable device is easy to operate: simply hold it, press a button to activate the vibrating tip, and gently press the vibrating tip against the side of your nose until tears naturally begin to form.

Unlike competitor products such as Tyrvaya and Xiidra, which require eyedrops to relieve the symptoms of dry eye, iTear100 is a safe, quick, and natural way to produce its own tears. This makes it far more convenient and comfortable than its counterpartswithout the need to carry and apply multiple drops of eyedrops throughout the day.

More than just a relief for symptoms, iTear100 is designed to provide long-term relief for dry eye-related conditions. By stimulating natural tear production, iTear100 can improve overall health and dry-eye symptoms over the long-term.

Overall, iTear100 is an easy-to-use and convenient medical device created by Olympic Ophthalmics that eliminates the need for eyedrops and provides immediate, long-term relief of dry eye-related conditions. Whether you're looking for fast relief or a long-term solution, iTear100 delivers results you can count on.

Introducing iTear100the FDA-approved handheld medical device revolutionizing the way we treat chronic dry eye issues, red/swollen eyes, and itchy eyes. Unlike competitor products such as Tyrvaya and Xiidra, which rely on eyedrops, iTear100 quickly induces natural tear production, without medication or lubricants.

Designed by Olympic Ophthalmics, iTear100 uses focused oscillatory energy to activate the external nasal nerve, stimulating natural teardrop production in the eyes. The device is lightweight and portable, allowing for on-the-go treatment and convenience.

To operate iTear100, simply hold it and press a button to activate the vibrating tip. Gently touch the tip to the side of your nose until tears naturally begin to form. In just 15 seconds, you'll experience immediate relief from discomfort, blurred vision, and dryness.

What makes iTear100 unique is that it is NOT an eyedrop. Instead, it's a handheld device that helps your body produce its own tears. Moreover, iTear100 has been rigorously tested and is FDA-approved, so you can rest assured that it is safe and effective for use.

So, if you're looking for relief from chronic dry eye issues, red/swollen eyes, or itchy eyes, the iTear100 device might be the perfect solution for you. Portable and easy-to-use, iTear100 offers fast, safe, natural relief without medication or lubricants.

Olympic Ophthalmics recently launched the iTear100, an FDA-approved handheld medical device designed to help people with chronic dry eye issues. This device quickly activates the external nasal nerve using focused oscillatory energy, stimulating natural teardrop production in the eyes. It is a convenient, easy-to-use, and completely drug-free solution.

Unlike competitor treatments such as Tyrvaya and Xiidra which rely on eyedrops, the iTear100 device does not require the use of any lubricant, medication or eyedrops. Instead, it utilizes a vibrating tip which is activated with the press of a button. To use the device, simply hold it and gently touch the tip of the iTear100 to the side of your nose. Within 15 seconds, your own body begins to naturally produce its own tears as a result of iTear100's focused oscillatory energy.

This lightweight and portable device provides immediate relief of chronic dry-eye conditions and other issues associated with red/swollen and itchy eyes. Its use leaves no mess, so you can be sure that the convenience and ease of the iTear100 is second to none.

You can now say goodbye to expensive, time-consuming eyedrop treatments, and take control of your dry-eye condition with the iTear100. Without any medication, lubricants, or complicated instructions, the iTear100 makes it easier than ever to control your dry eye condition. Allow yourself to experience the convenience of natural tear production without the mess of eyedrops, with the iTear100.

Suffering from symptoms such as dry, red or itchy eyes can be a painful reminder of how uncomfortable and disruptive chronic eye issues can be. Fortunately, modern technology has delivered a viable solution to this chronic condition - Olympic Ophthalmics' iTear100 has recently been approved by the FDA as a handheld medical device that can help individuals naturally stimulate their tear production without the need for eyedrops, medication or lubricants.

iTear100 is quick, easy to use and requires no additional lubricants, optimizing convenience and immediacy of relief. To initiate tear production, users simply need to hold the iTear100 device, press the button to activate the vibrating tip and then gently place the device on the side of the nose until natural tears start flowing. Lightweight and compact, iTear100 can deliver fast results in just fifteen seconds.

Unlike competitors such as Tyrvaya and Xiidra, iTear100 does not require eyedrops or medication and doesn't work as a substitute for them. Instead, users can count on this drug-free device for a safe, natural way to activate tear production and benefit from its fast-acting, non-invasive relief.

If you're interested in learning more about iTear100 and its ability to naturally stimulate tear production without the need for medication, call us at 650-300-9340. We're here to inform, advise and support every step of the way.